The Federal Centers For Disease Control (CDC) just published a reorganization announcement that creates the Field Services Branch (CGCD) an entirely new branch/ division designed to control State and Local Public Health Departments.
"(5)....leaders in preparedness and epidemiology for issues including clinical surge capacity, hospital preparedness, and influenza response planning"
Simultaneously the CDC has also published plans to Federalize State and Local Health Department employees; and to add approximately 1000 medical officers to the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service.
Ostensibly the US Government / Centers For Disease Control is taking this action in preparation for the expected H7N9 Hemorrhagic Avian Influenza Pandemic. In the thought of letting no good crisis go to waste, the situation smacks of the kind of Centralized Planning and Control that all good commies and corporatists love; it also forebodes the systemic failures which injures all but the political connected.
In the end, we don't know if the two birds in a bush represented by a H7N9 Pandemic will actually hit the USA, but we do know that the reaction the government has in hand for our supposed health and safety has significant dangers all of its own.
Source Documents:
U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps MEDICAL OFFICERS BEST KEPT SECRETS U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Opportunities
ONE Day delay in Hospital Admission may Significantly reduce ICU Loads & Costs
CDC Says: "the US health care system is likely to be overwhelmed" from a Fall 2013 H7N9 Outbreak
CDC Plans Live EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM Pandemic Flu Broadcast
[FEMA] 48 Hour Delivery Order: 100,000 "Doctor Scrubs"; 1000 (100 Person) Shelters; + Fuel, Showers, Bathrooms, and Hygine Equipment; Apparent Mobilization of the National Disaster Medical System
[ALERT!] ALL 300 Million American Citizens WILL Be Given TWO Experimental Adjuvant Laced H7N9 Vaccinations!