
Saturday, April 9, 2011

4/9/11 Video: Saint Louis, Missouri Radioactive Thunderstorm

Stay out of the rain! If you have to drive through a fallout laden radioactive thunderstorm, make sure your vehicle's ventilation system is set to 'recirculate'.

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4/9/11 Radioactive fallout from the trailing edge of a thunderstorm moving through Saint Louis Missouri. The reading was taken from a paper towel used to wipe off a small amount of rain from the hood area. The readings stabilized at 0.2 mR/hr. A sheet of plastic and piece of sheet metal where used as filters to determine if Alpha, Beta, or Gamma radiation were present. The primary form of radiation appeared to be Beta. At 11am, the sample had no detectable radiation above background.

The thunderstorm squall line moved in at approximately 4:30 am and moved out at approximately 6:30 am. The rain stopped and started three times during that time period; My samples correlate to that pattern. Samples were taken at the start, mid, and end points of the storm. The methodology was to wipe raindrops off of a metal surface with a paper towel, and then test the dampened paper towel for radioactivity.

The first reading was taken at ~5am from a piece of metal left outside; the readings maxed at roughly 0.05 mR/hr. The second reading was taken @ 5:30 am by driving the truck through a 2-3 mile loop; that reading maxed at roughly 0.05 mR/hr. The third sample exercise started with the truck’s hood and windshield clean and dry (from the second round of tests). No radiation was indicated on the hood at the start of the third test. The third test started at approximately 6:15 am and followed the same 2-3 mile loop as the second test. The third test sample maxed and stabilized at approximately 0.2 mR/hr. At 11am, that sample had no detectable radiation above background. The fallout appears to be primarily a source of Beta radiation

Stay out of the rain. If you have to drive through a radioactive fallout out thunderstorm, make sure your ventilation system is set to 'recirculate'.

updates and more info will be forthcoming on the blog site

updates and more info will be forthcoming on the blog site

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