
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Kiss Your Free Range Poultry Goodbye! USDA Ordering 12 "Mobile Modified Atmosphere Killing (MAK) Trailers"

Because of the expected H7N9 Bird Flu pandemic, the USDA is ordering twelve trucks designed  to kill small farm poultry; especially those small farms flocks located near large commercial turkey and chicken farms. See  Solicitation Number: AG-6395-S-13-0131 

According to the information provided with the solicitation for these 12 mobile poultry killing trailers:

"The most critical small flocks to depopulate in an outbreak of virulent, potentially zoonotic poultry disease would be those located near large commercial poultry facilities.
"There is need to have on hand the means to depopulate small flocks of poultry in the event of an outbreak of highly pathogenic, possibly zoonotic avian disease.  These flocks might range from a few birds owned by private individuals for recreational reasons to a few hundred birds kept as a small commercial venture.  In many cases, the owner will have an emotional attachment to the birds that goes beyond economic considerations.  The birds may run loose or be confined in pens or cages.  In some areas, these flocks may be fairly numerous.  They are scattered geographically

Of course when the government goes in and tries to take over an industry by engaging in wholesale small farm poultry slaughter they have to provide some sort of payout to the farmers.

In that regard,  the USDA's Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health (CEAH)  has released a procurement to seek "specific production and financial parameters associated with commercial poultry production: broilers, turkeys, table egg layers, broiler breeders, and turkey breeders."

It appears as if they are trying to understand the entire industry and supply chain, almost as-if they were going to try and nationalize it in response to a H7N9 Bird Flu Pandemic.
see  Solicitation Number: AG-6395-S-13-0099

Pictures of a MAK trailer mentioned in the solicitation:

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