The majority of the following H7N9 information was gleaned from today's public meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee.
1. Human to Human transmission is the government's public pandemic focus.
2. A direct question about Pigeon to Human transmission was side stepped. (classified?)
3. H7N9 is a great concern because of:
The unusually rapid explosion in the number of cases
The minimal number of bird infections detected
The rapid adaptation to mammalian receptors
4. The vaccine will be laced with ASO3 or MF59 adjuvants
5. Adjuvants tied to Narcolepsy will be correlated with the manufacturer and not the adjuvant.
6. The Non-adjuvant dose would be 90 mcg, and take 18 months and 10's of BILLIONS of dollars to produce. (Was giving away data on our National defense capability a security slip up on their part?)
7. The H7N9 vaccine will be given in two shots:
The person will be "primed" with a shot containing a live attenuated virus
The person will later receive a second shot with an inactivated virus
8 Only the two shot pattern generates a "Robust and Rapid" immunogenic response to the H7N9 vaccine.
9. The vaccine will not give immunity, rather only lessen the symptoms
10. Alaska is the natural path for a H7N9 pandemic to spread
11. Major cities' feral pigeon populations are the Bio-warfare path to spread H7N9
12. Levels of concern raised in the meeting don't match the amount of money being poured into H7N9
To understand what the CDC expects to happen in this situation watch the movie CONTAGION;
that movie was in essence written and directed by the CDC as a budget raising propaganda movie.
Watch it with a critical eye, and you will get some indication of what the CDC will and won't tell you and what their best hopes are.
Our current position is that it is a wise cost effective risk mitigation plan to purchase disposable masks (P100 or Surgical N95) and
Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG).
CHG is a surgical scrub which forms an invisible barrier on the skin and kills the influenza virus for multiple HOURS after washing with it.
One thing we won't do in this post is link to or otherwise use classified documents, even if they are in the public domain. Hence, any digging you do is solely on you.
Today's headline on the Drudge Report quotes President Obama as saying: 'Nobody Is Listening to Your Telephone Calls'. The whole quote actually is:
"When it comes to telephone calls, nobody is listening to your telephone calls. That's not what this program is about."
If the President were going to tell the the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, he would have said something like this: 'SOMETHING Is Listening To And Recording ALL Your Digital Communications'.
Now this is a subject we here at POTRBLOG have almost posted about for several years; but it seems sort of pointless as those who know already know; and those that don't know either don't want to know, or are incapable of doing anything about it. The only thing that has made us post about it now is Obama's use of "Clinton speak" ie "I did not sleep with that woman".
Of course, the first thing that the people who don't want to know will say is that it is illegal to record such information. Unfortunately there is a difference between being unconstitutional and being illegal, it shouldn't be that way; but it is. If a machine records all your digital communications but no human ever listens to it; they don't think it is illegal. If a machine finds something that tells a human to listen to it, they can rubber stamp a warrant. If the communication in any way, at any time, crossed the US border they don't even need a warrant.
The second thing the people who don't want to know will say is that it would take too much memory to record all digital communications. What these people don't know or don't mention is that a search of news paper reports will show that every digital text message sent in New York city of Septemeber 11, 2001 is available on line. What that means is that over 12 years ago all ready every digital message was being recorded. Given that fact, the cost of computer memory at that time, and the available amount of computing power back then, it is possible to do a parametric analysis to estimate what is more than possible today. We'll leave that exercise to you.
What we do know is that many of the Federal Job opening posted in the last several years have been for people who specialized in the computational capability to weed through massive amounts of unimportant data to find that data which has value in the near term. However, this situation will not be the case for long.
As computational capability grows and AI's improve, all data will have value as it will give those in power a kind of omniscient and predictive knowledge of their subjects. The corporate world already works to this end for economic reasons. The rise of corporatism (fascism 2.0) melds these capabilities nicely with the security/economic controls of the state. In the end, this will produce a mixture of digital omniscient with totalitarian omnipotence.
Governments desiring this type of capability is nothing new, what is new is that it creates a capability to utterly and completely control the economic behaviors of individuals in a manner that would have previously been considered in the realm of the supernatural, as was foretold in Revelation 13:17
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
So we are not quite there yet, but every foundation has been laid for this to occur without the need for a supernatural input. The technology is nearly there, and the laws are already there.
1 You need the Government's permission to work (e-verify)
2 You need the Government's permission to engage in private commerce (gun laws)
3 Cash is confiscated all the time without any evidence of a crime (drug laws)
4 You can't engage in any business without governmental permission. (regulations and taxes)
5.Your health care is no longer under your control (Obamacare)
Basically the US government can use the Commerce clause to implement every last detail of Revelation 13:17; the only thing they are missing is the insight into to your mind. But you share that insight into your mind every day and every second with every bit of digital communication you create.
Every thing you digitally say (and have ever said) can and will be used against you in a court of law, and Moore's law is making that possible.
So what can you do?
(1) Pray
(2) Create digital alter ego's to confuse the AI (not a countermeasure that is easily done).
Either the CDC is expecting the immediate emergence of a large scale H7N9 hemorrhagic bird flu outbreak, or a large scale unreported H7N9 outbreak is currently occurring.
To understand what the CDC expects to happen in this situation watch the movie CONTAGION;
that movie was in essence written and directed by the CDC as a budget raising propaganda movie.
Watch it with a critical eye, and you will get some indication of what the CDC will and won't tell you and what their best hopes are.
Our current position is that it is a wise cost effective risk mitigation plan to purchase disposable masks (P100 or Surgical N95) and
Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG).
CHG is a surgical scrub which forms an invisible barrier on the skin and kills the influenza virus for multiple HOURS after washing with it.
[BREAKING] CDC 300,000+ H7N9 Treatment Assays "needed immeditely [sic] for the H7N9 outbreak and continuing surveillance work"
The Centers For Disease Control have just released solicitation #
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) intends to award a
sole source firm fixed price purchase order to Life Technologies
Corporation for 335 NA Fluor Influenza Reagent Kits. No other vendor
provides this kit needed immeditely for the H7N9 outbreak and continuing
surveillance work."
Each one of these kits can test 960 viruses, which means that CDC has an immediate need to perform 321600 assays. Each assay allows the CDC to test a H7N9 virus sample for resistance to antiviral drugs.
The solicitation; its immediate nature; and the large number of tests ordered, is potentially either a harbinger of an expected near term explosion in the number of cases of H7N9, or an indicator of an unreported large scale H7N9 outbreak.
According to French news reports an indvidual from the Saudia Minsistry of Health was caught boarding an aircraft trying to smuggle a vial of the MERS-CoV "SARS" virus in a vial around his neck. see this Google translation of the French article.
Fortunately, the H7N9 virus did not originate in a terrorist target rich environment. We believe the MERS virus to be relatively low risk and already wide spread. However the H7N9 virus, had it been released in the feral pigeon population of a major US city, could have literally resulted in the deaths of thousands if not tens of thousands of individuals in such urban centers. Apparently the US government's opinion is much the same, as it is spending billions of dollars on H7N9 medical counter measures and adding millions of dollars to the Vaccine Injury Trust Fund (see our previous reports on the matter)
Our current position is that it is a wise cost effective risk mitigation plan to purchase disposable masks (P100 or Surgical N95) and
Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG).
CHG is a surgical scrub which forms an invisible barrier on the skin and kills the influenza virus for multiple HOURS after washing with it.
After last nights tornado decided to cut a swath of destruction directly towards the underground radioactive fire at the local EPA Superfund Landfill site, we figured the only way to get an accurate indication of the damage and risks was to go take measurements ourselves. Along the way, we just happened capture a car wreck on video (5 minutes and 46 seconds into the video)
What we found was that the Tornado barely clipped the underground radioactive fire at the Westlake landfill, and we were once again able to show that stench coming from that fire is radioactive. The stench today was slightly less than during our previous survey, and the wind was blowing in a different direction too, but every time we were downwind of the underground radioactive fire (as evidenced by the stench) the airborne radioactive readings were 22% greater than the same measurements taken upwind. What happens when the fire works its way deeper into the radioactive zone is anyone's guess.